Monkey Quest 1.12.1

  1. Monkey Quest Rewritten
  2. Monkey Quest 1.12.1 Download
  3. Monkey Quest 1.12.1 Server

Aug 18, 2019 The MonkeyQuest AddOn for World of WarCraft displays quests and their objectives in a nice drag able frame in a very customizable way. Features: Mousing over quests shows the overview in a tooltip. Option to display the quest overview if there's no objectives. Clicking on quests brings up the real. Chronometer tracks spell effects (HoTs, DoTs, buffs, debuffs, etc.) that you cast. You can see exactly how long is left on your spells so that you know when they're fading so that you can recast or do whatever else it is you need to do. Chronometer uses the Ace2 framework, including CandyBar for.


FastQuest Classic is an addon to enhance quest log displaying, quest tracking, and notification. This is an alternative to heavy duty add-ons like MonkeyQuest, Quest-I-On, etc. The difference is that the code is much smaller and faster, since it uses Blizzard's build-in components enhancing and improving them. But it does not have full set of features those addons offer, so try them and decide what is best for you!

History of FastQuest Classic

FastQuest Classic is originally called 'FastQuest' and is written by Vashen. Vashen had left WoW after he released the great FastQuest 2.11. Since then, FastQuest has some minor udpated by some fans including the WoWBox* author - Alfred. While I am trying to contact Vashen and also Alfred to seek for some other minor update for FastQuest, I did not get any response from them at that time. Then I decided to pick it up and try to fixed some minor issues, I then register an continued addon on Curse. Since that, FastQuest is released with version number like 2.11.1, 2.11.2, 2.11.3, etc.

When the TBC was going to be released in US and Europe, Vashen was back and he decided to continue the implementation. Vashen started the new FastQuest with version number 3.x and was supported with Titan and Fubar. I saw Vashen's messages and actions, I was thinking it's about the time to turn back this great addon to Vashen and also the credits.

However, there are some players still love the classic and standalone FastQuest, including me. So I decide to rename the addon name to 'FastQuest Classic' and started from version 2.11.207.


Unpack the ZIP file to WoWInterfaceAddOns

For example, if your WoW is installed under
'C:Program FilesBlizzardWorld of WarCraft'
you should see below structure once you have correctly unzip the addon:
C:Program FilesBlizzardWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsFastQuest_ClassicImages
C:Program FilesBlizzardWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsFastQuest_ClassicBindings.xml
C:Program FilesBlizzardWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsFastQuest_ClassicFastQuest_Classic.lua
C:Program FilesBlizzardWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsFastQuest_ClassicFasuQuest_Classic.xml
C:Program FilesBlizzardWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsFastQuest_ClassicFastQuest_Classic.toc


  • Easy quest tracking: You can use Right-Click or Shift+Left Click on quest name in QuestLog window to Add/Remove quest to/from WatchFrame manually. Many players feel it's easier with single right click to add or remove quests. (/fq clear will remove all quest from the tracker)
  • Quest Info to chat frame: You can easily share your quest details to chat frame.
    • Use Ctrl+RightClick on the quest to send not only quest title but also quest objective to chat frame, it makes things easier when you are going to tell people what quest you are investigating without typing quest detail by your self.
  • Quest progress notification: Automatically notify your party/guild/raid/near-by people of your quest progress (example: Thistle Boar Slain 5/7), this option is off by default and can be toggled by /fq autonotify
  • Level up notification: Notify your party/guild/raid or near-by people for your level-up or new area/zone discovered is configurable. Sometimes you may want to enable this feature so that your partners may now your recent status when you all are looking for some place together or s/he is farming together with you for your leveling-up.
  • Quest turn-in: Automatically complete turn-in quests such as the once in AV that you have to turn in one by one. When you right click on the NPC to turn in quest, FQ will click 'Continue' and 'Complete Quest' buttons for you, but will stop to let you pick reward if choice is given. The down side is that you will not be able to read what NPC's replies to you when you turn in your quest, but that's only to those who actually read it :) This feature is off by default and can be toggled by /fq autocomplete
  • Configuration: Configurable options are now supported with slash command '/fq options', or simply click on the minimap icon or Quest Log's 'FQ' button.
  • Notification Sound: The addon will play a sound to notify you one of your quest is completed (all target objectives have been achieved). The sound now is customizable. Simply find the sound in 'SoundsQuestComplete.mp3' and replace it.

Monkey Quest Rewritten

Disabled Features

Below features have been temporary disabled due to WoW recently has modified the mechanism to display the quest details in QuestLog window and WatchFrame.

  • Quests in WatchFrame are displayed in color that is based on difficulty. There are now over 20 shades of colors from bright green to bright red that are used to denote quest and monster difficulty. Quest that would be come trivial next level is highlighted giving you chance to complete it while it still yields exp. (Currently disable)
  • Allows WatchFrame to be draged anywhere on the screen (use '/fq unlock' to enable draging and you can '/fq lock' to lock it in place). (Currently disable)

Slash Commands

Please sign-in with the following login form.

All the information on this page is for the old Vanilla version of this addon (Questie 3.7.1/WoW 1.12)

For the Classic version of this addon (Questie 4.x/WoW 1.13) you'll find installation instructions here

In order to properly set up Questie with your World of Warcraft client, you must ensure you have the following:

  • A Vanilla (1.12.1) WoW Client.
    • For Classic (1.13) WoW Client go here.
  • A Questie release.
    • You can download the latest stable release from here.

When you have both ready:

  • Extract the downloaded zip archive.
  • Copy the !Questie directory into your <WOW PATH>/Interface/Addons/ directory.
    • It should be beside several folders that start with Blizzard_
    • NOTE: The default program folders in Windows (usually C:Program Files or C:Program Files (x86)) are write protected. DO NOT INSTALL WOW THERE. If it is installed there, move it to some other folder. When WoW is a subfolder of one of these locations, Questie (and all other addons) can not save their variables to a file when the client closes. This leads to weird bugs, like quests being marked as finished only so long as you do not close the client, then marked as unfinished again when you restart it.
  • Start WoW, log into the character selection screen, and verify Questie is enabled by going into the addon menu (Button on the bottom left of the selection screen). If there is no button or Questie is not in the list when the menu is opened, there might have been a mistake when copying Questie to the WoW directory.
    • NOTE: It is strongly recommended to remove or increase the addon memory limit (top right of the addon menu window).The default value for vanilla WoW (1.12.1) is very low and can cause the game to log you out when all addons together use more memory than assigned here, which is very likely to happen when Questie is enabled. Setting the value to 0 removes the limit and is the recommended setting for most people. However if the total available RAM is very limited, set to at least 256MB to prevent hard crashes of the WoW client.
  • When you have made sure the addon is installed and the memory limit is removed, you can log into a character and start using Questie.
    • Q: How do I move the QuestieTracker and QuestArrow?
    • A: Hold down CTRL + Shift + Hold Left Mouse Button + Drag
    • Q: 'My Dead Corpse'? Do you even English, bro?
    • A: The 'My Dead Corpse' is kind of an inside joke from the original Closed Beta for Vanilla WoW days. Back then I was playing Alliance exclusively and the famous Horde guild [Goon Squad] was notorious for trolling Stranglethorn Vale. They would lock up the zone for hours corpse camping any Alliance player. Someone created a toon called MyDeadCorpse and left it dead and never resurrected. It was always there in the zone. A naked Gnome. For some reason, the Horde HATED Gnomes. :) Ref.
    • Q: I get an error: attempt to index global 'QuestieConfig' (a nil value)
    • A: This can be caused by upgrading from an older version of Questie or using it for the firsttime before a SavedVariables can be properly created. Please use /questie clearconfig while ingame to clear/reset your config file.
    • Q: I play on a non-English server and Questie isn't working. How come?
    • A: Currently, Questie only supports English servers/clients. Language support is currently being worked on but is not yet available.
    • Q: I can't seem to get my quests to appear in the tracker automatically.
    • A: For those not running EQL3 or some other QuestLog mod. If you prefer the default wow QuestLog andTracker that's fine but it's very limited. For example, if a quest doesn't have any objectives to'track' then it won't appear in the quest tracker and no Quest Arrow will be available for it.Additionally, quests will not automatically be tracked by the default WoW quest tracker. The way thatit works is that if you have the option enabled in the games Interface Options --> 'Automatic QuestTracking' then yes, it will auto track a quest with an objective once you OBTAIN the first quest item.Then it will appear automatically in the list unless you manually Shift+Click the quest in theQuestLog but again, only if there is a 'trackable' objective. Unlike EQL3 or otherQuestLog/QuestTracker mods where pretty much anything is trackable, these quests will appear in theQuestie QuestTracker. If the quest appears then map coordinates are cached and this allows theQuestieArrow to hook into the position and give you an arrow.
    • Q: Why isn't the QuestieArrow appearing?
    • A: You have to click on an objective on the Minimap, Worldmap or the quest in the QuestieTracker. Ifa quest has never been tracked it won't appear until after it has appeared at least once in theQuestieTracker. If you disable the QuestieTracker, the QuestieArrow will not work.

Monkey Quest 1.12.1 Download

Use /questie to show the help menu in game. Possible values for /questie <command> are:

Arrow related commands

Note: The arrow only works if the tracker is enabled (see below).

Monkey Quest 1.12.1 Server

  • arrow: Toggles the QuestArrow on and off.
  • corpsearrow: Toggles the CorpseArrow on and off.

Tracker related commands

  • tracker: Toggles on and off the QuestTracker.
  • cleartracker: Resets the position of the QuestTracker and places it in the center of your screen.
  • color: Two different color schemes. The original(default) and the other mimics Monkey Quests colors.
  • header: This places an additional line (depending on which direction you have your QuestTracker listingquests) either above or below and informs you how many quests you have in your log.
  • listdirection: The default setting lists quests in the QuestTracker from the Top --> Down. Running thiscommand will change the direction from Bottom --> Top.
  • qtscale: Resizes the Questie QuestTracker using one of 3 pre-programed sizes. Small(default), Medium and Large
  • background: Turns on the QuestTracker background
  • backgroundalpha: Sets the QuestTracker background alpha level. Takes a number input from 1 to 9.

Miscellaneous setting commands

  • showquests: Toggles on and off the ability to always show quests on the Worldmap / Minimap - tracked ornot tracked.
  • maxlevel: Toggles the maxlevel filter on or off.
  • setmaxlevel: Hides quests until levels above players level (default=3).
  • minlevel: Toggles the minlevel filter on or off.
  • setminlevel: Hides quests levels below players level (default=5).
  • professions: Toggles profession related quests.
  • tooltips: Toggles on and off the Quest Objective tool tips.
  • mapnotes: Toggles all World Map and Mini Map icons on and off. This is the same function as the QuestieToggle button on the World Map (which will eventually be removed).
  • resizemap: This command is for those that do NOT run a Worldmap mod such as Metamap or Cartographer.This toggles the Worldmap in either fullscreen or windowed mode.
  • cluster: Toggles quest icon clustering, which combines available/complete quest icons into groups of up to 5.

Maintenance commands

  • settings: Displayes your current toggles and settings in your default chat window.
  • clearconfig: Resets all Questie settings and removes stale quest database entries (will not deletecompleted quests).
  • NUKE: Resets ALL Questie data and settings which includes the quest database.
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